When teaching styles clash, students struggle

Some teachers, who will of course remain nameless, have certain styles of teaching that make it difficult for students to relate. Whether it is because they were taught this way, the difficulty of the material, or it is their preference, students struggle to relate to them. Some teachers make you take notes the entire class, while others have thought-provoking class discussions.

As a student, I learn more from having class discussions than taking notes. When teachers teach entirely on the computer, it is easy to get distracted, even though some teachers can watch your computer.

My preference, however, has little impact on teachers. Teachers teach the way they feel the most comfortable with, and disregard the preference of students. Not being a visual learner, I learn more during class discussions, and struggle in the classes where notes are the main form of learning.

Some teachers either don’t understand that taking notes the entire period often doesn’t work well, or they simply want to stick to their old ways.

Students have to adapt to their new teachers each year, but it should be the other way around. Teachers should find the strengths and weaknesses of the students and teach accordingly. This does not mean teaching to each student separately, rather keeping the preferences of students in mind when teaching. Not only will it please the students, it will better the grades of the students.

This solution will not always work, however. There are many different styles of teaching that students prefer and it would be difficult to please the entire class.

All I am interested in is seeing teachers make an effort. All it takes is to find out a general consensus from their students and alter their teaching methods accordingly.

— By Ryan Millis