Northwood learns to sew

A new CTE course, Apparel and Textiles 1, is now being offered to Northwood students. Teacher Jane Hanna, also one of the Foods 1 and Foods 2 teachers, introduced the class to Northwood.

“I want to show other people, to teach other people, how to design and how to sew and to do these things, because there’s a true need for it in the industry,”  Hanna said.

Hanna wants her students to share her passion for such a practical skill. In the class, they learn the history of fashion, as well as how to sew and how to design interesting and appealing garments.

“[This will help me in the future] because in this class you get to learn the basics of how to make the clothes you already love to wear,” said Megan Bullock, a current student in the class. “I already love to design stuff, like different clothes, and I already have a bunch of drawings at home.”

According to students, the class is engaging and useful to their future.

“We have a lot of group projects, so we’re not bored all of the time,” says Rico Pearson, another Apparel 1 student.

Hanna knows a lot about sewing and fashion, and has spent the majority of her life making her own clothes. She also studied it in college.

“I have been sewing since I was about nine years old, and I just have a love for that,” Hanna said.

The goal is to make a final garment by the end of the semester. Wearable and fashionable, it’ll be something that will show the importance of apparel, textiles and sewing in today’s world.

– By Lilli Hoffman