Jessica’s not afraid of the end of the world

I think people who are preparing to die on 12/21 are wasting their time. I’m not worried about it; if it happens, it happens. By spending every waking moment preparing for “the end”, you’re ultimately wasting the time you have left if the world is even going to end. Doomsday preparers are ridiculous.

How many times have people claimed that the world was going to end, or that some catastrophic event was going to happen, and it never ended? In 2002, Harold Camping claimed that May 21 was going to be “rapture” day. People believed the end of the world was going to come with natural disasters such as the Great Fire of London in 1666 and when Pompeii erupted in 79 A.D. The end is supposed to be signaled by some never-before-seen cosmic action in the sky, just as in 2009 when the moon and Venus joined and people said ice would take over the world. All these things were predicted to cause an end to the world, but I’m pretty sure I’m standing here on earth and still breathing.

Even if the world does end in a fiery ball of smoke and explosions, why stress about it every single day so that life is just passing you by on the way to your demise? My life has not stopped, nor will it until I see some explosions. Besides, everyone will die anyway if the world “ends” so how exactly are you supposed to prepare for something like that? Something that people have never seen or experienced before? I’d rather keep living as I always have and make each moment count with the people that matter the most to me.

This entire conspiracy was started by the revelation that the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21 and predicts a celestial event unlike any other. For starters, the Mayan calendar did not account for leap years, so technically we would already be dead. Second of all, how do we actually know that the reason they didn’t finish the calendar was that the world was ending? Unless you can bring me a Mayan on CNN to tell me the world is ending, I am not listening. There could be thousands of reasons why they didn’t finish the calendar, but of course we as humans assume the worst. To think that a group of people that lived so long ago could predict the end of the world is the most insane thing I have ever heard.

If I die in the catastrophic ending of the world, I won’t know because I’ll be dead. But, I am pretty sure that I will be alive and well on Christmas to open presents, dreadfully return to school after break and then celebrate my birthday with joy. The world is not going to end as far as I am concerned.

– By Jessica Clayton