Happy 2018!


 Aries (3/21-4/19): Your 2018 will be full of success, energy and determination. Your health will be excellent and you will grow to be more mature and decisive.

Taurus (4/20-5/20): Your 2018 will be full of peace and freedom. You will gain power and live harmoniously, while also leaving time to rest and relax.

Gemini (5/21-6/20): Your 2018 will be full of new opportunities and will consist of high energy levels. Business will bring you benefits and rewards will be high.

Cancer (6/21-7/22): Your 2018 will be a positive one. You will be lucky and fortunate, with a gain in social status. There will be developments and advancements, and you will have a more lavish lifestyle.

Leo (7/23-8/22): Your 2018 will show radical changes and you will journey on a road that will eventually lead you to success. Along this road, you will experience new things and become more materialistic.

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Your 2018 will be full of many activities and will lead you to pursue your goals. You will have a rise in social status and in achievements.

Libra (9/22-10/22): Your 2018 will give you more time to focus on yourself and will bring good opportunities your way. Your hard work will result in an increasing income.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21): Your 2018 will bring fun, laughter, happiness and serenity. Throughout the year, inner peace will be accomplished. This will lead you to dominate over your opponents.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21): Your 2018 will conquer frustrations and bring a new level of energy. You will work hard and grow further in life.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19): Your 2018 will bring a sense of joy and happiness and reveal hidden talents. You will gain authority and power, which will improve weaknesses.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18): Your 2018 will lead you to further understand your emotional self, bringing along good relationships and fame.

Pisces (2/19-3/20): Your 2018 will lead you through an important phase in life, when your desires and ambitions take flight. Expect changes to your lifestyle, career and future personality.


“I’m five foot and my new year’s resolution is to be five foot three.”
– Sasha Swift, sophomore

“To pass my freshman year with A’s.”
– Andre Jackson, freshman

“My new year’s resolution is to get an A in Dr. Raymond’s class.”
-Rachel Covington, freshman

“I suppose one would normally say to get active and in shape, but I believe I’m already there, so maybe eat healthier.”
– Cera Powell, junior

“My new year’s resolution is to get more sleep. Trying to get at least seven hours a night, and I’m hoping by the next New Years, to get at least eight hours a night.”
– Jackie Harpham, sports medicine teacher

“My new year’s resolution is to pass AP US History with at least a B.”
– Jennifer Dowden, junior

“I’m going to start going to the gym everyday before school with my friend Derek Cohen.”
– Henry Taylor, sophomore

– Compiled by CC Kallam & Emma Pollard