Club Profile: Model UN

    Model United Nations [Model U.N.] has a self-explanatory name. This club operates like a small-scale United Nations, with each member assigned a country to represent each “mock session.” In each mock session, the countries’ representatives meet and discuss a decided topic, each country expressing their opinions on the given topic and giving effective solutions.

    “The United Nations is a collection of a bunch of countries and they promote peace and sustainability and human rights for the entire world,” said Alexa Simmeonson, senior and president of Northwood’s chapter of Model U.N. “So we just simulate it; we pretend to be countries and we go to conferences… [we debate] hypothetical problems but we debate them like they’re real and try to come up with resolutions.”

    Northwood’s Model U.N. meets every other Wednesday in Mrs. Algiere’s room, conducting either general meetings or mock sessions. General meetings discuss previous and future mock sessions, with a goal of overall improvement for these sessions. Members offer critiques and advice to the group on how to better present their countries’ viewpoints and discuss session procedure.

    Model U.N. is a nationwide club, organized and structured by the United Nations Association of the United States of America [UNAUSA]. Across America, there are college, high school, and middle school chapters of UNAUSA. Northwood’s chapter was founded in 2015 by Alexa Simmeonson, the current president. The other officers include vice president Ava Sorgman, secretary Alex Bean, treasurer Joshua Eisner, secretary general Jenny Teague and head of communications Abby Goyea.

    Model U.N. hopes to teach its members valuable speaking and critical thinking skills as well as keep them aware of world affairs. Secretary Alex Bean compares Model U.N. to speech and debate.

    “It is like speech and debate, but more interesting, I think, because [Model U.N.] provides so much substance and reality to the situation,” Bean said.

    Sophomore Torin Priddle similarly values the unique nature of the Model U.N.

    “It is probably the only club that is focused on international politics,” Priddle said “It is a lot of fun, and you learn a lot.”