Quiz Bowl Club Profile

    For those who are looking for a competitive club experience focused on academic trivia, Quizbowl offers students the chance to face off against each other and rival schools in a competition of trivia prowess.  Meeting every Friday from 3:20 to 4:15 pm, the club practices their trivia skills and prepares for competition.

    “It’s a nice decompression time after the week,” said senior and Quizbowl Team Captain Jenny Teague. “It’s just relaxing answering questions and learning new things, which is fun.”

    The weekly meetings follow a predictable pattern.

    “We start meetings off with snacks and updates about competitions and stuff of that sort, then we divide into two teams and start the first round of questions,” Teague said. “We usually do twenty tossups [where first there’s a question] which anyone has the opportunity to answer. The team of the person that answers correctly then gets three bonus question which the whole team can collaborate on.”

    One of the benefits of Quizbowl for new members is the wide range of topics covered by the trivia, meaning that everyone can find a type of trivia that they enjoy.

    “[It covers things like] history, math, science, English, pop culture, politics, geography, economics, [and] physics,” Teague said.

    The variety of topics allows club members to find a trivia niche that suits their interests and range of knowledge.

    “[My favorite type of trivia] is probably music, you know, like composers and such,” said senior Tyler Moore.

    For those looking to join, Teague has this advice:

    “It’s always intimidating at first but if you stick with it and pay attention during the meetings and you’re actually interested in learning more and having fun through quiz bowl than you can definitely get there,” Teague said.  “I know when I was a freshman and I first went I probably answered one question my entire freshman year.”

    The club has also had recent success in the competition and qualified to advance to the state level.

-By Joshua Eisner