Democratic Debate – What happened?

Omniscient staff writer, Ella Sullivan, recaps the November Deomcratc Debate. The Debate was November 20th from 9pm to 11pm.

Candidates on Stage

Joe Biden

Elizabeth Warren

Bernie Sanders

Pete Buttigieg

Kamala Harris

Amy Klobuchar

Andrew Yang

Tulsi Gabbard

Tom Steyer

Cory Booker


Who Talked the Most

Elizabeth Warren

13:26 minutes

Pete Buttigieg

12:46 minutes

Joe Biden

12:38 minutes

Bernie Sanders

11:45 minutes

Cory Booker

11:31 minutes

Kamala Harris

11:31 minutes

Amy Klobuchar

10:43 minutes

Tulsi Gabbard

9:14 minutes

Tom Steyer

8:21 minutes

Andrew Yang

6:53 minutes

Statistics from NBC News.

Who Attacked Others the Most and Who Got Attacked

Pete Buttigieg

11 Attacks, 4 Times Attacked

Amy Klobuchar

11 Attacks, 0 Times Attacked 

Joe Biden

9 Attacks, 6 Times Attacked  

Tulsi Gabbard

9 Attacks, 4 Times Attacked 

Bernie Sanders

9 Attacks, 2 Times Attacked 

Tom Steyer

9 Attacks, 2 Times Attacked 

Kamala Harris

5 Attacks, 2 Times Attacked 

Elizabeth Warren

6 Attacks, 3 Times Attacked 

Cory Booker

6 Attacks, 0 Times Attacked 

Andrew Yang

1 Attacks, 0 Times Attacked 

Although all these candidates attacked each other a lot, Donald Trump was the most attacked.  40 times candidates on stage pounced on Trump and his presidency.

Statistics from NBC News.


Interesting Quotes

“No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than in self-defense, and that rarely ever occurs. So we have to just change the culture, period. And keep punching at it, and punching at it, and punching at it.” -Joe Biden

“Our government is working better and better for the billionaires and worse and worse for everyone else.” –Elizabeth Warren

“Thank you. I wrote the damn bill (Medicare for All)!¨ -Bernie Sanders

“We do not have a 21st-century strategy coming from this president. After all, he’s relying on 17th-century security technologies like a moat full of alligators or a big wall.”-Pete Buttigieg

“I think that it’s unfortunate that we have someone on this stage that is attempting to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, who during the Obama administration spent four years full time on Fox News criticizing President Obama.” –Kamala Harris referring to Tulsi Gabbard

“Women are held to a higher standard. Otherwise we could play a game of ‘Name Your Favorite Woman President.’ We have to work harder and that’s a fact.” -Amy Klobuchar

“Our kids are not all right. They’re not all right because we’re leaving them a future that is far darker than the lives that we have led as their parents. We are going through the greatest economic transformation in our country’s history.” -Andrew Yang

“Working side by side, let’s defeat the divisiveness of Donald Trump, come together and usher in a 21st century of racial harmony, of racial justice, peace, inclusion and true equality.” -Tulsi Gabbard

“If you want to pass all the progressive policies that everyone on this stage wants, then I am the person who can do it.” -Tom Steyer

“I have a lifetime of experience with black voters. I’ve been one since I was 18.” -Cory Booker