The Effects of Seasonal Depression

     Seasonal Depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, is a form of depression that is related to the switching of seasons. It is most commonly related to the switch from summer to fall and winter. The darker evenings and afternoons and colder weather can seriously affect people who suffer from this condition. There are some treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder, such as medication and light therapy, as well as traditional therapy. 

     Over the years, more awareness has been brought to the condition. A lot more people suffer from the disorder than one might expect. According to Psychology Today, an estimated ten million Americans suffer from seasonal affective disorder. It is also four times more common in women than in men. 

     It is important not to ignore the symptoms if you suspect you suffer from it; some symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, irritability and increased sensitivity. 

     A lot of students at Northwood suffer from the condition and want to raise awareness of its negative effects.

     “Winter is really hard for me because I feel like no one belives that the weather can change my mood. During the summer I don’t feel like I suffer from depression, but the winter just makes me feel so low,” said one anonymous student.

     One treatment, light therapy, is one of the most effective ways of treating Seasonal Affective Disorder. It consists of buying a light box and sitting in front of it for at least 30 minutes a day. If you suffer from seasonal depression, it would be a really good idea to try out any possible options, and light therapy allows you to treat the disorder the least invasively. You can purchase fairly cheap light boxes online.

     “I didn’t want to use medication, or at least not use it right away if there was another easier option, so I tried light therapy,” said one anonymous student. “I got one for like $40 on and it surprisingly made a huge difference. I use it in the morning and after school.”

    Overall, seasonal depression is a disorder that people need to be more aware of. It can seriously affect a student’s work ethic if they are feeling fatigued or unhappy for months at a time. They may also feel less inclined to participate in social events or their extracurriculars. It is important to be educated on the disorder and its treatment options to ensure one doesn’t suffer in silence.