The Devil’s Tramping Ground

Staff Writer July Two tells the mystery of the Devil’s Tramping Ground found in Chatham County.

In the woods of Bear Creek, North Carolina, 10 miles outside of Siler City, is a circle of barren ground. The circle, about 40 feet in diameter, holds a 300-year-old mystery known as the Devil’s Tramping Ground. 

Legend says that the Devil paces around the circle, thinking about evil acts. The heat from its feet kill the vegetation in the area, allowing nothing to grow. If you put anything in the middle of the circle no matter the weight, the next day it’ll be thrown out and displaced by the devil. 

To explore the site, you go along the Devil’s Tramping Ground Road. About a mile down the road there’s a plot of gravel on the left in front of a red gate. You’ll know you’ve found the spot if you see a red gate held by two wooden poles. When you finally get to the gate there’s a good amount of space for you to go around it. You’ll walk about 20 feet along a dirt path and see a clearing. You can hear some insects and the crunching of leaves beneath your feet as you walk. Go across some more tree roots and there is the Devil’s Tramping Ground. 

On my visit Oct. 14, there were fallen dead leaves in the circle, making it hard to recognize. If you look close to the ground, there are no plants growing at all. Plants can only be seen outside of the perimeter of the circle. The grounds of the circle are ashy and white, most likely a sign of past campers. Campers who’ve camped in the circle overnight tell stories about seeing strange figures. They also claim that red glowing eyes can be seen from the circle. After a few minutes in the area, you’ll realize that it’s practically silent. You might hear a few bugs and insects or a car passing from the road you came but, other than that, you won’t hear anything or see any animals like squirrels. 

The Devil’s Tramping Ground is a favorite spot for teens. In the past, the grounds were vandalized. The new owners have put up signs stating that the property is private. Although from Google reviews and the owner, the grounds are free to visit as long as the property is respected. A visit to the Devil’s Tramping Ground is perfect if you want to explore the supernatural side of Chatham County. 

-July Two