Caffeine and Your Body

Do you drink a lot of coffee, tea, soda or energy drinks? Chances are you’re consuming caffeine, but how does that affect you? Caffeine is a stimulant which means it increases your body’s functioning, giving you the feeling of increased energy. In some cases this may be beneficial; however, caffeine can have both positive and negative health effects.

Regular caffeine consumption, in low to medium doses, can be beneficial to your body in the future as it lowers your risk of both Parkinson’s and Alzheimers. Caffeine also lowers your risk of certain cancers, such as oral and throat. In order to reap these long-term benefits, a routine dose of caffeine is necessary; if you drink decaf coffee regularly, you are less likely to see the positive effects of caffeine.

There are also many short term positives of caffeine: not only do you feel more awake, but your reaction times, memory and spatial awareness are all heightened when caffeine kicks in. Caffeine also has a positive, mood-boosting side effect, so drinking a cup of coffee or tea in the morning can help you have a better day. For the athletes out there, caffeine in higher doses helps burn fat and is helpful for recovering after a tough workout. 

Keep in mind there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Caffeine is a drug that is classified as a stimulant and it is possible to overdose, so remember to be careful with your consumption. Overstimulating your brain and body with caffeine can cause confusion, headaches, rapid heart rate, anxiety and nausea. Even without consuming too much caffeine you can experience negative side effects, such as irregular sleep patterns, heightened blood pressure and an increased risk for osteoporosis. 

Consuming caffeinated items might be enjoyable at the time, but if you consistently intake caffeine and then try to quit, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms associated with caffeine withdrawal include headaches, body aches and easy annoyance. If you are wanting to quit caffeine, try slowly consuming less and less each day instead of cutting yourself off immediately. 

Remember: the key is to always consume in moderation. Whether you are wishing to enjoy items containing caffeine or seeking out caffeine for the health benefits, be careful. Enjoy abundantly, consume responsibly. 

Article and graphic by Grace Leonard.