Mission Impossible 7 : Shooting a Movie in a Pandemic

Photo from Chiabella James / Paramount Pictures and Skydance

Work on Mission Impossible 7 appears to have resumed, after a newly released behind-the-scenes video showed the film’s star, Tom Cruise, performing a death-defying stunt. Cruise used a motorcycle to jump off a ramp into the air, before letting go of the motorbike and deploying a parachute.      

The stunt took place in the Romsdal Alps, in Norway, which stands at over 5,900 feet tall. The production was supposed to take place in Italy, but was canceled in March due to the coronavirus. The film’s premiere was delayed and will now be Nov. 9, 2021.

In order to avoid coronavirus restrictions, Cruise has spent over 500,000 dollars on a cruise ship for the crew to live on while the film was in production. The crew is not allowed to interact with anyone who is not a part of the film’s production.This has been done to create a “bubble” of people who are not infected, so the filming can commence. Because of these measures, the movie was exempt from Norway’s normally strict regulations, which involve a mandatory 10 day quarantine. Instead, the film crew had to pass two Covid-19 tests within 48 hours of landing in the country.

This film is the seventh in the Mission Impossible series, which focuses on special agent Ethan Hawke, played by Tom Cruise, who is trying to save the world from various villainous plots. The series has brought in 3.6 billion dollars since the first film was released in 1996.

Northwood senior Carter Pippen says that the Mission Impossible is “a pretty fun franchise” and that he’s “pretty invested in what was happening [in the movies].” He also added that the movies  usually “have good twists to spice things up.”