Return to Plan A: Northwood Students Voice Opinions

Chatham County students in grades 6-12 returned on Monday, April 19 under the Plan A format. Plan A will see students attending in-person education four days out of the week with Wednesdays remaining remote. The school will no longer be enforcing the symptom screening process or taking temperatures. Students will have to keep three feet of distance from others instead of the previous six-foot requirement. The school system also requires any students who tested positive for COVID-19, developed COVID-19 symptoms or were exposed to someone who tested positive over spring break to delay their return to school.

Back to School: Northwood Starts In-Person Learning

After almost a year of distance learning, Northwood students and teachers were invited back to school beginning Feb. 1 under Plan B. Although distance learning has led to several challenges, it has also been challenging for school staff to make in-person learning happen. Many safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 have been put in place since students’ return to Northwood’s campus. When students arrive at the building they are asked a series of COVID-related questions and their temperature is taken. Then, students are required to immediately report to their first period class. Every hallway has social distancing markers and desks are wiped down after each class.